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Despre mine
hmmmmmmmmm,i like very much to listen music and to dance,... i am a romantic person so i
like romantic things,...i never ask what i cant do or give,.., i always try to understand
ppl and to not judge them...i am always smiling :)...and never let the sadness get in to
my life
Ce caut
........, a gentleman.....
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui kissbebelusha!

32 ani
Galati - Romania
In lumea dragostei, o singura regula e valabila. Sa faci femeia fericita. Faci c

30 ani
Galati - Romania
I'm a smart and pretty girl... with sense of humour sometimes and common sense a

37 ani
Galati - Romania
comunicativa,romantica si realista in acelas timp,astept si caut iubirea cu toat