Despre mine
I love skiing, I enjoy the feeling of the fresh air on my face and the burning in my
thighs. And then to come home to a cosy room and share a bottle of wine and a movie. I
like learning philosophy to understand the meaning of life. I love reading
autobiographies, as I can really feel inspired.
Little bit tall, little bit dark, little bit handsome :)
Ce caut
Cute girl with kind heart who likes fun, travelling new adventures, new places. Girl who
likes dance music, films and maybe who is looking for a special man to make her time happy
and her life more complete. Take a chance ! Even if its just for a coffee :)
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui Mihaly-Sz!

32 ani
Calarasi - Romania
un tip caruia ii place mult sportul , prietenos , serios ,glumet si imi place sa

39 ani
Calarasi - Romania
sunt un tip simpati sociabil si distractiv luati legatura cu mine si veti auzi r

42 ani
Calarasi - Romania
Vorbe...credeti ca exista cineva care sa spuna despre sine ca este naspa...din o

43 ani
Calarasi - Romania
Sunt urat , dar pretentios si daca vrei sa iesi cu mine , Ia-ti bani la tine !!!

36 ani
Calarasi - Romania
interesant, serios, glumet, educat, stabil, sensibil, doresc o relatie serioasa,

35 ani
Calarasi - Romania
Nu sunt ce par a fi!nu sunt..nimic din ce-as fi vrut sa fiu!dar fiindca m-am nas